Monday, December 6, 2010

New Opportunities!

    I'm so thankful for the opportunity to serve in South Asia starting in January until July 2011. I've been praying for about a year that God would be able to use me for His will. How awesome is our God that he even uses the weak and the unworthy according to His will? I recently got offered to work with the Third Culture Kids in South Asia where I can teach physical education and work with the 35 students.
   Thanks to everyone who is reading my blog and I hope that this will be a useful way for me to post specific prayer requests during this time. Right now I ask that yall could pray for preparation both spiritually and with getting my visa, funds, and immunizations. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity and support from friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. We love Miss Hawee and we will be praying that our great big God uses you in a great big way! We will miss you but we are so excited for your opportunity!
    The Bradys
